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1. Карпов Н.А.: Романтические контексты Набокова. Примечания
Входимость: 6. Размер: 141кб.
2. Розенгрант Дж.: Владимир Набоков и этика изображения. Двуязычная практика
Входимость: 2. Размер: 74кб.
3. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 27 - 31
Входимость: 2. Размер: 46кб.
4. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Wisconsin Studies, 1967 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 63кб.
5. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The Paris Review, 1967 г.
Входимость: 1. Размер: 29кб.
6. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
Входимость: 1. Размер: 53кб.
7. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The Sunday Times, 1969 г.
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8. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 1 - 2
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9. Букс Нора: Эшафот в хрустальном дворце. О русских романах Владимира Набокова. Глава I. Звуки и запахи
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10. Чарльз Кинбот: Серебристый свет. Подлинная жизнь Владимира Набокова. Chapter One. On Visiting Nabokov's Tomb
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11. Nabokov's butterflies, dispersed
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12. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter five
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13. Проффер Карл: Ключи к "Лолите". 1. Литературная аллюзия
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14. Долинин Александр: Комментарий к роману Владимира Набокова «Дар». Глава первая
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15. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Vogue, 1972 г.
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16. Двинятин Ф.: Пять пейзажей с набоковской сиренью
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17. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 9 - 16
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18. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Playboy, 1964 г.
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19. Карпов Н.А.: Романтические контексты Набокова. Избранная библиография
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20. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 23 - 27
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21. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 22 - 26
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22. Долинин А: Искусство палача - заметки к теме смертной казни у Набокова
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23. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 17 - 21
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24. Джонсон Дональд Бартон: Птичий вольер в "Аде" Набокова
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25. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter two
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Примерный текст на первых найденных страницах

1. Карпов Н.А.: Романтические контексты Набокова. Примечания
Входимость: 6. Размер: 141кб.
Часть текста: В. В. Набокова. Волгоград, 2000; Злочевская А. В. 1) Художественный мир Владимира Набокова и русская литература XIX века. М., 2002; 2) Художественный мир в. Набокова и русская литература XIX в.: Генетические связи, типологические параллели и оппозиции: дис. ... д-ра. филол. наук. М., 2002; Шадурский В. В. Интертекст русской классики в прозе Владимира Набокова. Новгород, 2004; Shapiro G.. Delicate Markers: Subtexts in Vladimir Nabokov’s “Invitation to a Beheading”. New York, 1998; Tammi P Russian Subtexts in Nabokov’s Fiction. Tampere, 1999. 3 См.: Долинин А. Истинная жизнь писателя Сирина: Работы о Набокове. СПб., 2004. С. 15. По мнению известного современного набоковеда, «аллюзии на чужие тексты в набоковской прозе, при всей их несомненной важности, играют подчиненную роль по отношению к интратекстуальным связям, мотивированы этими последними и потому должны изучаться только в соотнесении с ними» (Там же). Не стремясь оспорить этот взгляд, мы сознательно выбираем в качестве объекта исследования интертекстуальные параллели. 4 Люксембург А., Рахимкулова Г....
2. Розенгрант Дж.: Владимир Набоков и этика изображения. Двуязычная практика
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Часть текста: языках, множества произведений художественной и документальной прозы, поэтических произведений, а также автопереводов и переводов произведений других авторов, то есть всего, созданного Набоковым с 1923 года до его смерти в 1977 году, любое исследование его стиля натолкнется на лингвистические, текстологические и эстетические вопросы необычайной сложности. [2] Возможно, единственный выход в условиях ограниченного объема данной статьи — обобщающее сокращение; в данном случае замещение творчества писателя одним репрезентативным текстом, охватывающим два языка, и анализ существенно важного аспекта этого текста на конкретных примерах. Текст, выбранный мною, — автобиографический диптих «Speak, Memory»/ «Другие берега», а стилистический аспект, который я собираюсь рассматривать, — образование звуковых повторов, или инструментовка. [3] Автобиография Набокова представляется произведением репрезентативным и даже парадигматическим по двум главным причинам. Первая причина заключается именно в том, что речь идет об автобиографии, которая как произведение документальной прозы претендует на достоверное, хотя и очень сложное, изображение самого автора. Это означает, что любой вывод о стиле данного произведения будет относиться не только к рассказчику, сформированному внутри текста в качестве первичного эстетического объекта (как в лирической прозе), но и к исторической личности, к творцу, стоящему за текстом, так как они оба — эстетический объект и творец — в каком-то смысле одно и то же лицо. [4] Точно так же, когнитивный смысл повествования, описание различных случаев, событий и людей приобретает убедительность не только благодаря внутренней структуре самого текста (опять-таки, как в художественной прозе), но и благодаря точному воспроизведению внешних фактов и обстоятельств. Эти факты можно проверить независимо от данного произведения, хотя, конечно, требования формального ...
3. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 27 - 31
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Часть текста: the dull hand of one of my few correspondentsI used to recollect, with anguished amusement, the times in my trustful, pre-dolorian past when I would be misled by a jewel-bright window opposite wherein my lurking eye, the ever alert periscope of my shameful vice, would make out from afar a half-naked nymphet stilled in the act of combing her Alice-in-Wonderland hair. There was in the fiery phantasm a perfection which made my wild delight also perfect, just because the vision was out of reach, with no possibility of attainment to spoil it by the awareness of an appended taboo; indeed, it may well be that the very attraction immaturity has for me lies not so much in the limpidity of pure young forbidden fairy child beauty as in the security of a situation where infinite perfections fill the gap between the little given and the great promisedthe great rosegray never-to-be-had. Mes fentres!   Hanging above blotched sunset and welling night, grinding my teeth, I would crowd all the demons of my desire against the railing of a throbbing balcony: it would be ready to take off in the apricot and black humid evening; did take offwhereupon the lighted image would move and Even would revert to a rib, and there would be nothing in the window but an obese partly clad man reading the paper. Since I sometimes won the race between my fancy and nature’s reality, the deception was bearable. Unbearable pain began when chance entered the fray and deprived me of the smile meant for me. “ Savez-vous qu’ dix ans ma petite tait folle de voius?”   said a woman I talked to at a tea in Paris, and the petite   had just married, miles away, and I could not even remember if I had ever noticed her in that garden, next to those tennis courts, a dozen years before. And now likewise, the radiant...
4. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Wisconsin Studies, 1967 г.
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Часть текста: does not like to talk off the cuff (or "Off the Nabocuff," as he said) no tape recorder was used. Mr. Nabokov ei! ther wrote out his answers to the questions or dictated them to the interviewer; in some instances, notes from the conversation were later recast as formal questions-and-answers. The interviewer was Nabokov's student at Cornell University in 1954, and the references are to Literature 311-312 (MWF, 12), a course on the Masterpieces of European Fiction (Jane Austen, Gogol, Dickens, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Stevenson, Kafka, Joyce, and Proust). Its enrollment had reached four hundred by the time of Nabokov's resignation in 1959. The footnotes to the interview, except where indicated, are provided by the interviewer, Alfred Appel, Jr. For years bibliographers and literary journalists didn't know whether to group you under "Russian" or "American. "Now that you're living in Switzerland there seems to be complete agreement that you're American. Do you find this kind of distinction at all important regarding your identity as a writer? I have always maintained, even as a schoolboy in Russia, that the nationality of a worthwhile writer is of secondary importance. The more distinctive an insect's aspect, the less apt the taxonomist is to glance first of all at the locality label under the pinned specimen in order to decide which of several vaguely described races it should be assigned ...
5. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The Paris Review, 1967 г.
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Часть текста: In Hollywood and New York, however, relationships are frequent between men of forty and girls very little older than Lolita. They marry-- to no particular public outrage; rather, public cooing. No, it is not my sense of the immorality of the Humbert Humbert-Lolita relationship that is strong; it is Humbert's sense. He cares, I do not. I do not give a damn for public morals, in America or elsewhere. And, anyway, cases of men in their forties marrying girls in their teens or early twenties have no bearing on Lolita whatever. Humbert was fond of "little girls"-- not simply "young girls." Nymphets are girl-children, not starlets and "sex kittens." Lolita was twelve, not eighteen, when Humbert met her. You may remember that by the time she is fourteen, he refers to her as his "aging mistress." One critic has said about you that "his feelings are like no one else's. " Does this make sense to you? Or does it mean that you know your feelings better than others know theirs? Or that you have discovered yourself at other levels? Or simply that your history is unique? I do not recall that article; but if a critic makes such a statement, it must surely mean that he has explored the feelings of literally millions of people, in at least three ...
6. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
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Часть текста: solace of research in palatial libraries, the shade to my excruciating desires and insomnias of which enough has been said. Knowing me by now, the reader can easily imagine how dusty and hot I got, trying to catch a glimpse of nymphets (alas, always remote) playing in Central Park, and how repulsed I was by the glitter of deodorized career girls that a gay dog in one of the offices kept unloading upon me. Let us skip all that. A dreadful breakdown sent me to a sanatorium for more than a year; I went back to my workonly to be hospitalized again. Robust outdoor life seemed to promise me some relief. One of my favorite doctors, a charming cynical chap with a little brown beard, had a brother, and this brother was about to lead an expedition into arctic Canada. I was attached to it as a “recorder of psychic reactions.” With two young botanists and an old carpenter I shared now and then (never very successfully) the favors of one of our nutritionists, a Dr. Anita Johnsonwho was soon flown back, I am glad to say. I had little notion of what object the expedition was pursuing. Judging by the number of meteorologists upon it, we may have been tracking to its lair (somewhere on Prince of Wales’ Island, I understand) the wandering and wobbly north magnetic pole. One group, jointly with the Canadians, established a weather station on Pierre Point in Melville Sound. Another group, equally misguided, collected plankton. A third studied tuberculosis in the tundra. Bert, a film photographeran insecure fellow with whom at one time I was made to partake in a good deal of menial work (he, too, had some psychic troubles)maintained that the big men on our team, the real leaders we never saw, were mainly engaged in checking the ...
7. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The Sunday Times, 1969 г.
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Часть текста: happened to be greatly annoyed by the editorial liberties that periodicals in other countries had been taking with material I had supplied. When he arrived on June 15, I gave him my written answers accompanied by the following note. When preparing interviews I invariably write out my replies (and sometimes additional questions) taking great care to make them as concise as possible. My replies represent unpublished material, should be printed verbatim and in toto, and copyrighted in my name. Answers may be rearranged in whatever order the interviewer car the editor wishes: for example, they may be split, with insertion of the questioner's comments or bits of descriptive matter (but none of the latter material may be ascribed to me). Unprepared remarks, quips, etc., may come from me during the actual colloquy but may nut be published without my approval. The article will be shown to me before publication so as to avoid factual errors {e. g., in names, dates, etc.). Mr. Oakes' article appeared in The Sunday Times on June 22, 1969. As a distinguished entomologist and novelist do you find that your two main preoccupations condition, restrict, or refine your view of the world? What world? Whose world? If we mean the average world of the average newspaper reader in Liverpool, Livorno, or Vilno, then we are dealing in trivial generalities. If, on the other hand, an artist invents his own world, as I think I do, then how can he be said to influence his own understanding of what he has created himself? As soon as we start defining such terms as "the writer," "the world," "the novel," and so on, we slip into a solipsismal abyss where general ideas dissolve. As to butterflies-- well, my taxonomic papers on lepidoptera were published mainly in the nineteen forties, and can be of interest to only a few specialists in certain groups of American butterflies. In itself, an...
8. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 1 - 2
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Часть текста: cabin, a prison cell or paradise, with yellow window shades pulled down to create a morning illusion of Venice and sunshine when actually it was Pennsylvania and rain. We came to know nous connmes,   to use a Flaubertian intonationthe stone cottages under enormous Chateaubriandesque trees, the brick unit, the adobe unit, the stucco court, on what the Tour Book of the Automobile Association describes as “shaded” or “spacious” or “landscaped” grounds. The log kind, finished in knotty pine, reminded Lo, by its golden-brown glaze, of friend-chicken bones. We held in contempt the plain whitewashed clapboard Kabins, with their faint sewerish smell or some other gloomy self-conscious stench and nothing to boast of (except “good beds”), and an unsmiling landlady always prepared to have her gift (“…well, I could give you…”) turned down. Nous connmes   (this is royal fun) the would-be enticements of their repetitious namesall those Sunset Motels, U-Beam Cottages, Hillcrest Courts, Pine View Courts, Mountain View Courts, Skyline Courts, Park Plaza Courts, Green Acres, Mac’s Courts. There was sometimes a special line in the write-up, such as “Children welcome, pets allowed” ( You   are welcome, you   are allowed). The baths were mostly tiled showers, with an endless variety of spouting mechanisms, but with one definitely non-Laodicean characteristic in common, a propensity, while...
9. Букс Нора: Эшафот в хрустальном дворце. О русских романах Владимира Набокова. Глава I. Звуки и запахи
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Часть текста: Полная достоверность — в мечтах.   Эдгар По Первый роман В. Набокова-Сирина «Машенька» был опубликован в 1926 году в Берлине [2]. Научная литература об этом произведении многочисленна и интересна. Исследователи отмечали «чеховский дух» романа [3], аналогию встреч/расставаний Ганина и Машеньки — Онегина и Татьяны [4], автобиографические черты в образах главных героев [5], основные структурные мотивы «Машеньки»: поезда и трамваи, свет и тени [6]. Особого внимания заслуживают работы о методе креативной памяти у Набокова [7], структурных принципах организации текста [8], а также о свойстве «полигенетичности» набоковской прозы [9], проявившемся уже в его первом крупном произведении. В данной главе предлагается новое прочтение романа. 1 Произведение молодого Набокова, несмотря на кажущуюся бесхитростность и традиционность, обнаруживает черты поэтики его зрелой прозы. Текст «вырастает» из центральной метафоры, элементы которой разворачиваются в романе в самостоятельные тематические мотивы. Указанием на метафору служит прием литературной аллюзии, доведенный в более поздних произведениях Набокова до изысканной потаенности, но в «Машеньке» реализованный с уникальной авторской откровенностью — с прямым называнием адресата. Отсылка размещена в условной сердцевине текста, в точке высокого лирического напряжения, в момент символического обретения героем души (подробнее об этом мотиве — см. ниже), в сцене на подоконнике «мрачной дубовой уборной», когда 16-летний Ганин мечтает о Машеньке. «И эту минуту, когда он сидел… и тщетно ждал, чтобы в тополях защелкал фетовский соловей, — эту минуту Ганин теперь справедливо считал самой важной и возвышенной во всей его жизни» (с. 73). Стихотворение А. Фета...
10. Чарльз Кинбот: Серебристый свет. Подлинная жизнь Владимира Набокова. Chapter One. On Visiting Nabokov's Tomb
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Часть текста: the book's final form, none of them can be held responsible for any of the lapses or idiocies to be found therein; for these the author alone must answer. I have opted, against the protestations of my editor, to forego this tiresome ritual. Every word, every thought, every mark of punctuation in this work is my own, except where stated otherwise according to the dictates of careful scholarship. Certainly the comments (solicited or not) of many persons have guided me in perfecting my book, but only insofar as they served as signposts of exactly the type of tired tripe I wished to avoid. The most common of these was a chilly "You can't do that," as if my book were violating some immemorial cosmic law. For all their carping about institutional constraints on the freedom of their thought and work, my fellow academicians (and even many of you, self-styled "Nabokovians") have revealed themselves to be virulently censorial when confronted by the weird fruit of my research. Few things are more depressing to an intelligent person than the revelation that a whole league of supposedly enlightened literati is in fact a mob of petulant nitwits. Chapter One On Visiting Nabokov's Tomb   "Biography is a form of murder." -- J. Tenier The cemetery of the Centre Funéraire St. Martin is bordered on three sides by a tall wrought-iron fence (whose black bars are spaced widely enough to permit the passage of a small child) and on the fourth by a pine and birch forest which extends over the summit of the hill and descends to meet the right bank of Lac Léman ...