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1. Карпов Н.А.: Романтические контексты Набокова. Избранная библиография
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2. Карпов Н.А.: Романтические контексты Набокова. Примечания
Входимость: 3. Размер: 141кб.
3. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 1 - 8
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4. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Wisconsin Studies, 1967 г.
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5. Articles about butterflies
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6. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
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7. Под знаком незаконнорожденных. Глава 7
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8. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 28 - 33
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9. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 3 - 8
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10. Злочевская А. В.: Три лика мистической метапрозы XX века. Библиография
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11. L. C. Higcins and N. D. Riley
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12. Inspiration
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13. Жаккар Жан-Филипп: От Набокова к Пушкину. Наказание без преступления (Хармс и Достоевский)
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14. Злочевская А. В.: Три лика мистической метапрозы XX века. Введение. Русская и европейская литература XX в.: Реализм мистический и метапроза – что мерцает между ними?
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15. Найман Эрик: Извращения в «Пнине» (Набоков наоборот). Глава 1
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16. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 18 - 22
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17. Набоков Дмитрий: Отцовские бабочки. Отцовские бабочки. Father's Butterflies (английский язык)
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18. Audubon's butterflies, moths and other studies
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19. Щербак Нина: «Роман Владимира Набокова «Ада»: лабиринты смыслов и обратимость времени»
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20. Найман Эрик: Извращения в «Пнине» (Набоков наоборот). Глава 4
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Примерный текст на первых найденных страницах

1. Карпов Н.А.: Романтические контексты Набокова. Избранная библиография
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Часть текста: на казнь» («Invitaion to a Beheading») // В. В. Набоков: Pro et contra [Т. 1]. СПб., 1997. C. 46-48. Набоков В. В. Рассказы. Приглашение на казнь. Роман. Эссе, интервью, рецензии. м., 1989. Nabokov V. Invitation to a Beheading. New York, 1989. Nabokov V. Strong Opinions. New York, 1973. Nabokov V. The Defense. New York, 1990. Общие работы Абрамова В. И. Мотив «невыразимого» в русской романтической картине мира: от В. А. Жуковского к К. К. Случевскому: дис. ... канд. филол. наук. м., 2007. Александров А. В. Русский романтический рассказ. Одесса, 2000. 144 с. Альбеткова Р. И. Фантастические образы в русском романтизме 30-х годов XIX века // Из истории русского романтизма: сб. статей. Вып. 1. Кемерово, 1971. С. 86-101. Асмус В. Ф. Музыкальная эстетика философского романтизма // Сов. Музыка. 1934. № 1. С. 51-61. Бахтин М. М. Проблемы поэтики Достоевского. М., 1972. 470 с. Берковский Н.Я. Романтизм в Германии. Л., 1973. 568 с. Берновская Н. М. образ чудака и проблема духовной утопии в истории немецкой литературы от Жан-Поля до Германа Гессе // вопросы литературы и стилистики германских языков. М., 1975. С. 27-76. Благой Д. Д. Литература и действительность. М., 1959. 516 с. Бухштаб Б. Я. Русские поэты. Л., 1970. 248 с. Ванслов В. В. Эстетика романтизма. М., 1966. 402 с. Васильев С. Ф. Русская романтическая проза: поэтика фантастического // Wiener Slawistischer Almanach 35 (1995). S. 5-17. Вацуро В. Э. Последняя повесть Лермонтова // М. Ю. Лермонтов. Исследования и материалы. Л., 1979. с. 223-252. Гальцева Р А., Роднянская И. Б. Помеха — человек: Опыт века в зеркале антиутопий // Новый мир. 1988. № 12. С. 217-230....
2. Карпов Н.А.: Романтические контексты Набокова. Примечания
Входимость: 3. Размер: 141кб.
Часть текста: “Invitation to a Beheading”. New York, 1998; Tammi P Russian Subtexts in Nabokov’s Fiction. Tampere, 1999. 3 См.: Долинин А. Истинная жизнь писателя Сирина: Работы о Набокове. СПб., 2004. С. 15. По мнению известного современного набоковеда, «аллюзии на чужие тексты в набоковской прозе, при всей их несомненной важности, играют подчиненную роль по отношению к интратекстуальным связям, мотивированы этими последними и потому должны изучаться только в соотнесении с ними» (Там же). Не стремясь оспорить этот взгляд, мы сознательно выбираем в качестве объекта исследования интертекстуальные параллели. 4 Люксембург А., Рахимкулова Г. Магистр игры Вивиан Ван Бок (Игра слов в прозе Владимира Набокова в свете теории каламбура). Ростов н/Д., 1996. С. 42. Об игровой поэтике Набокова см. также, напр.: Пимкина А. А. Принцип игры в творчестве Набокова: дис. ... канд. филол. наук. М., 1999; Сабурова О. Н. Русскоязычное творчество В. Набокова: Проблемы игровой поэтики: дис. ... канд. филол. наук. СПб., 2002; Lilly M. Nabokov: Homo Ludens // Vladimir Nabokov. His Life, His Work, His World. A Tribute. London, 1979. P. 88-102. 5 Набоков В. Предисловие к английскому переводу романа «Приглашение на казнь» // Б. Б. Набоков: Pro et contra [Т 1]. с. 47. 6 Набоков В. В. собр. соч. американского периода: в 5 т. сПб., 1999-2000. Т. 3. сПб., 2000. с. 590. ср. с набоковским утверждением о том, что «любой русский писатель чем-то обязан Гоголю, Пушкину и Шекспиру» (Nabokov V. Strong Opinions. New...
3. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 1 - 8
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Часть текста: four feet ten in one sock. She was Lola in slacks. She was Dolly at school. She was Dolores on the dotted line. But in my arms she was always Lolita. Did she have a precursor? She did, indeed she did. In point of fact, there might have been no Lolita at all had I not loved, one summer, a certain initial girl-child. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before Lolita was born as my age was that summer. You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the seraphs, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged seraphs, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns. 2 I was born in 1910, in Paris. My father was a gentle, easy-going person, a salad of racial genes: a Swiss citizen, of mixed French and Austrian descent, with a dash of the Danube in his veins. I am going to pass around in a minute some lovely, glossy-blue picture-postcards. He owned a luxurious hotel on the Riviera. His father and two grandfathers had sold wine, jewels and silk, respectively. At thirty he married an English girl, daughter of Jerome Dunn, the alpinist, and granddaughter of two Dorset parsons, experts in obscure subjectspaleopedology and Aeolian harps, respectively. My very photogenic mother died in a freak accident (picnic, lightning) when I was three, and, save for a pocket of warmth in the darkest past, nothing of her subsists within the hollows and dells of memory, over which, if you can still stand my style (I am writing under observation), the sun of my infancy had set: surely, you all know those redolent remnants of day suspended, with the midges, about some hedge in bloom or suddenly entered and traversed by the rambler, at the bottom of a hill, in the summer dusk; a furry warmth, golden midges. My mother’s elder sister, Sybil, whom a cousin of my father’s had married and then neglected, served in my immediate family as ...
4. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Wisconsin Studies, 1967 г.
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Часть текста: lived in an opulent hotel built in 1835, which still retains its nineteenth-century atmosphere. Their suite of rooms is on the sixth floor, overlooking Lake Geneva, and the sounds of the lake are audible through the open doors of their small balcony. Since Mr. Nabokov does not like to talk off the cuff (or "Off the Nabocuff," as he said) no tape recorder was used. Mr. Nabokov ei! ther wrote out his answers to the questions or dictated them to the interviewer; in some instances, notes from the conversation were later recast as formal questions-and-answers. The interviewer was Nabokov's student at Cornell University in 1954, and the references are to Literature 311-312 (MWF, 12), a course on the Masterpieces of European Fiction (Jane Austen, Gogol, Dickens, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Stevenson, Kafka, Joyce, and Proust). Its enrollment had reached four hundred by the time of Nabokov's resignation in 1959. The footnotes to the interview, except where indicated, are provided by the interviewer, Alfred Appel, Jr. For years bibliographers and literary journalists didn't know whether to group you under "Russian" or "American. "Now that you're living in Switzerland there seems to be complete agreement that you're American. Do you find this kind of distinction at all important regarding your identity as a writer? I have always maintained, even as a schoolboy in Russia, that the nationality of a worthwhile writer is of secondary importance. The more distinctive an insect's aspect, the less apt the taxonomist is to glance first of all at the locality label under the pinned specimen in order to decide which of several vaguely described races it should be assigned to. The writer's art is his real passport. His identity should be immediately recognized by a special pattern or unique coloration. His habitat may confirm the correctness of the...
5. Articles about butterflies
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Часть текста: Edw., aster Edw., and six other nearctic subspecies belong. I bungled my family's vacation but got what I wanted. Owing to rains and floods, especially noticeable in Kansas, most of the drive from New York State to Colorado was entomologically uneventful. When reached at last, Telluride turned out to be a damp, unfrequented, but very spectacular cul-de-sac (which a prodigious rainbow straddied every evening) at the end of two converging roads, one from Placerville, the other from Dolores, both atrocious. There is one motel, the optimistic and excellent Valley View Court where my wife and I stayed, at 9,000 feet altitude, from the 3rd to the 29th of July, walking up daily to at least 12,000 feet along various more or less steep trails in search of sublivens. Once or twice Mr. Homer Reid of Telluride took us up in his jeep. Every morning the sky would be of an impeccable blue at 6 a. m. when I set out. The first innocent cloudlet would scud across at 7: 30 a. m. Bigger fellows with darker bellies would start tampering with the sun around 9 a. m., just as we emerged from the shadow of the cliffs and trees onto good hunting grounds. Everything would be cold and gloomy half an hour later. At around 10 a. m. there would come the daily electric storm, in several installments, accompanied by the most irritatingly close lightning I have ever encountered anywhere in the Rockies, not excepting Longs Peak, which is saying a good deal, and followed by cloudy and rainy weather through the rest of the day. After 10 days of this, and despite diligent subsequent exploration, only one sparse colony of sublivens was found. On that one spot my wife found a freshly emerged male on the 15th. Three days later I had the pleasure of discovering the...
6. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
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Часть текста: took me a couple of years during which I put in seldom less than fifteen hours of work daily. As I look back on those days, I see them divided tidily into ample light and narrow shade: the light pertaining to the solace of research in palatial libraries, the shade to my excruciating desires and insomnias of which enough has been said. Knowing me by now, the reader can easily imagine how dusty and hot I got, trying to catch a glimpse of nymphets (alas, always remote) playing in Central Park, and how repulsed I was by the glitter of deodorized career girls that a gay dog in one of the offices kept unloading upon me. Let us skip all that. A dreadful breakdown sent me to a sanatorium for more than a year; I went back to my workonly to be hospitalized again. Robust outdoor life seemed to promise me some relief. One of my favorite doctors, a charming cynical chap with a little brown beard, had a brother, and this brother was about to lead an expedition into arctic Canada. I was attached to it as a “recorder of psychic reactions.” With two young botanists and an old...
7. Под знаком незаконнорожденных. Глава 7
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8. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 28 - 33
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Часть текста: and showing as she did so the nether side of her thigh up to the crotch of her pantiesshe had always been singularly absentminded, or shameless, or both, in matters of legshow. This, then, was the hermetic vision of her which I had locked inafter satisfying myself that the door carried no inside bolt. The key, with its numbered dangler of carved wood, became forthwith the weighty sesame to a rapturous and formidable future. It was mine, it was part of my hot hairy fist. In a few minutessay, twenty, say half-an-hour, sicher its sicher   as my uncle Gustave used to sayI would let myself into that “342” and find my nymphet, my beauty and bride, imprisoned in her crystal sleep. Jurors! If my happiness could have talked, it would have filled that genteel hotel with a deafening roar. And my only regret today is that I did not quietly deposit key “342” at the office, and leave the town, the country, the continent, the hemisphere,indeed, the globethat very same night. Let me explain. I was not unduly disturbed by her self-accusatory innuendoes. I was still firmly resolved to pursue my policy of sparing her purity by operating only in the stealth of night, only upon a completely anesthetized little nude. Restraint and reverence were still my motto-even if that “purity” (incidentally, thoroughly debunked by modern science) had been slightly damaged through some juvenile erotic experience, no doubt homosexual, at that accursed camp of hers. Of course, in my old-fashioned, old-world way, I, Jean-Jacques...
9. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 3 - 8
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Часть текста: at me, reader, I do not intend to convey the impressin that I did not manage to be happy. Readeer must understand that in the possession and thralldom of a nymphet the enchanted traveler stands, as it were, beyond happiness.   For there is no other bliss on earth comparable to that of fondling a nymphet. It is hors   concours  , that bliss, it belongs to another class, another plane of sensitivity. Despite our tiffs, despite her nastiness, despite all the fuss and faces she made, and the vulgarity, and the danger, and the horrible hopelessness of it all, I still dwelled deep in my elected paradisea paradise whose skies were the color of hell-flamesbut still a paradise. The able psychiatrist who studies my caseand whom by now Dr. Humbert has plunged, I trust, into a state of leporine fascinationis no doubt anxious to have me take Lolita to the seaside and have me find there, at last, the “gratification” of a lifetime urge, and release from the “subconscious” obsession of an incomplete childhood romance with the initial little Miss Lee. Well, comrade, let me tell you that I did   look for a beach, ...
10. Злочевская А. В.: Три лика мистической метапрозы XX века. Библиография
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Часть текста: В. Лаура и ее оригинал. М., 2009. 14. Набоков В. В. Лекции по русской литературе. М., 1996. 15. Набоков В. В. Комментарий к роману А. С. Пушкина «Евгений Онегин». СПб, 1998. 16. Набоков В. В. Лекции по зарубежной литературе. М., 1998. 17. Набоков В. В. Лекции о «Дон Кихоте». М., 2002. 18. Пушкин А. С. Полн. собр. соч.: В 10 т. Л., 1977–1979. 19. Шекспир В. Гамлет // пер. с англ. Б. Л. Пастернака. Собрание переводов: В 5 т. М., 2003. Т. 1. С. 10–42. Литература: 1. Абрагам П. Павел Флоренский и Михаил Булгаков // Философские науки. 1990. № 7. С. 95—100. 2. Аверин Б. Гений тотального воспоминания: О прозе Набокова // Звезда. Владимир Набоков. К 100-летию со дня рождения. 1999. № 4. С. 158–164. 3. Аверин Б. Дар Мнемозины: Романы Набокова в контексте русской автобиографической традиции. СПб, 2003. 4. Аверинцев С. Путь Германа Гессе // Гессе Г. Избранное. М., 1977. С. 3–26. 5. Агарков В. И. Универсум игры Германа Гессе // [Электронный документ] URL: www.e-reading.by/bookreader.php/85092/ Agarkov_-_UniversumigryGermanaGesse.html 6. Агеев Б. Цепь молчания, или «Черт все устроит». «Мастер и Маргарита» Михаила Булгакова как роман-инициация // Москва. 2004. № 11. С. 192–212. 7. Азадовский К. «Взгляд в хаос»(Достоевский глазами Германа Гессе) // Всемир. слово = Lettreintern. СПб, 1999. N 12. С. 12–18. 8. Айхенвальд Ю. Силуэты русских писателей. М., 1994. 9. Александров В. Е. Набоков и потусторонность: Метафизика, этика, эстетика. СПб, 1999. 10. Амусин М. Ф. Зеркала и Зазеркалья. Статьи. СПб – М., 2008. 11. Андреев М. Л. Беатриче Данте и Маргарита Булгакова // Дантовские чтения, 1990. М., 1993. С. 148–154. 12. Анисова А. А., Жук М. И. Архетип Тени в романе Г. Гессе «Степной волк» с точки зрения теории аналитической психологии К. Г. Юнга // Культурно-языковые контакты. Владивосток,...