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    1. Савельева В.В.: Художественная гипнология и онейропоэтика русских писателей. Приложение
    Входимость: 5. Размер: 39кб.
    2. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 12 - 17
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 43кб.
    3. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 28 - 33
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 42кб.
    4. Набоков Дмитрий: Отцовские бабочки. Интервью данное Брайеном Бойдом журналу BOMB Magazine
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 24кб.
    5. Жаккар Жан-Филипп: От Набокова к Пушкину. Возвышенное в творчестве Даниила Хармса
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 51кб.
    6. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 17 - 21
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 52кб.
    7. Геллер Леонид: Художник в зоне мрака. "Bend Sinister" Набокова
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 31кб.
    8. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 3 - 8
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 54кб.
    9. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 53кб.
    10. Эссе о драматургии ("Playwriting", на английском языке)
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 59кб.
    11. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The Paris Review, 1967 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 29кб.
    12. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 9 - 16
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 59кб.
    13. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 22 - 26
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 57кб.
    14. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 18 - 22
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 53кб.
    15. Ада, или Радости страсти. Семейная хроника. (Часть 1, глава 41)
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    16. Что всякий должен знать? (эссе)
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 6кб.
    17. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 1 - 2
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 49кб.
    18. Ада, или Эротиада (перевод О. М. Кириченко). Часть первая. Глава 41
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 24кб.

    Примерный текст на первых найденных страницах

    1. Савельева В.В.: Художественная гипнология и онейропоэтика русских писателей. Приложение
    Входимость: 5. Размер: 39кб.
    Часть текста: не в том, чтобы методами психологии анализировать литературный материал, но в том, чтобы методами филологии анализировать то психологическое явление, которое описано литературным материалом» (“The purposes of such studies are not to use the psychological methods for the literary analysis, but to use the literary methods in order to analyze the psychological phenomenon, which is described in the literary text”) [20, с.9]. These studies are interdisciplinary, for they are situated on the boundaries of different academic fields, such as physiology, medicine, philosophy, psychology, literary and cultural studies, and semiotics. V.M.Kovalzon, The Doctor of Biology and a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, defines the process of sleeping as “...особое генетически детерминированное состояние организма человека и других теплокровных животных (т.е. млекопитающих и птиц), характеризующееся закономерной последовательной сменой определенных полиграфических картин в виде циклов, фаз и стадий» (“.a special, genetically determined state of the human body and the body of other warm-blooded animals (mammals and birds), which is characterized by the logical succession of certain multi-graphic pictures in the form of cycles, phases and stages” ) [6, с.311]. The process of sleeping is inevitably accompanied by the phases of dreams, which some scholars describe as the period of paradoxical sleeping. According to J.M. Lotman, a dream is «семиотическое зеркало, и каждый видит в нем отражение своего языка» (“.a semiotic mirror, and everyone beholds in it the reflection of his or her own language”) [9, с.124]. V. N. Toporov, while chronologically cataloguing literary dreams from the texts of...
    2. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 12 - 17
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    Часть текста: (who, as the reader will mark, was more afraid of Lo’s deriving some pleasure from me than of my enjoying Lo). The passion I had developed for that nymphetfor the first nymphet in my life that could be reached at last by my awkward, aching, timid clawswould have certainly landed me again in a sanatorium, had not the devil realized that I was to be granted some relief if he wanted to have me as a plaything for some time longer. The reader has also marked the curious Mirage of the Lake. It would have been logical on the part of Aubrey McFate (as I would like to dub that devil of mine) to arrange a small treat for me on the promised beach, in the presumed forest. Actually, the promise Mrs. Haze had made was a fraudulent one: she had not told me that Mary Rose Hamilton (a dark little beauty in her own right) was to come too, and that the two nymphets would be whispering apart, and playing apart, and having a good time all by themselves, while Mrs. Haze and her handsome lodger conversed sedately in the seminude, far from prying eyes. Incidentally, eyes did pry and tongues did wag. How queer life is! We hasten to alienate the very fates we intended to woo. Before my actual arrival, my landlady had planned to have...
    3. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 28 - 33
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    Часть текста: I had locked inafter satisfying myself that the door carried no inside bolt. The key, with its numbered dangler of carved wood, became forthwith the weighty sesame to a rapturous and formidable future. It was mine, it was part of my hot hairy fist. In a few minutessay, twenty, say half-an-hour, sicher its sicher   as my uncle Gustave used to sayI would let myself into that “342” and find my nymphet, my beauty and bride, imprisoned in her crystal sleep. Jurors! If my happiness could have talked, it would have filled that genteel hotel with a deafening roar. And my only regret today is that I did not quietly deposit key “342” at the office, and leave the town, the country, the continent, the hemisphere,indeed, the globethat very same night. Let me explain. I was not unduly disturbed by her self-accusatory innuendoes. I was still firmly resolved to pursue my policy of sparing her purity by operating only in the stealth of night, only upon a completely anesthetized little nude. Restraint and reverence were still my motto-even if that “purity” (incidentally, thoroughly debunked by modern science) had been slightly damaged through some juvenile erotic experience, no doubt homosexual, at that accursed camp of hers. Of course, in my old-fashioned, old-world way, I, Jean-Jacques Humbert, had taken for granted, when I first met her, that she was as unravished as the stereotypical notion of “normal child” had been since the lamented end of the Ancient World B. C. and its fascinating practices. We are not surrounded in our enlighted era by little slave flowers that can be...
    4. Набоков Дмитрий: Отцовские бабочки. Интервью данное Брайеном Бойдом журналу BOMB Magazine
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    Часть текста: exile before coming to rest, in some almost successful disguise—as a professor of English at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. An unlikely plot, but the real story is no less exceptional: Brian Boyd, author of the prize-winning two-volume biography, Vladimir Nabokov: The Russian Years and Vladimir Nabokov: The American Years, and of Nabokov's Ada: The Place of Consciousness and the just-released Nabokov's Pale Fire: The Magic of Artistic Discovery, is a scholar who changed his mind. Writing in The New York Observer on Boyd's 'remarkable, obsessive, delirious, devotional study, Nabokov's Pale Fire,' Ron Rosenbaum called him 'an ornament of the accidents and possibilities of Nabokov scholarship' and praised him 'for having the courage and humility to retract an earlier conjecture and the imaginative daring' to (as Boyd himself might put it) re-re-reread Pale Fire. Nabokov's 1962 novel takes the form of an introduction by a scholar named Charles Kinbote; a lucid 999-line poem by an American poet named John Shade; and a commentary and index by Kinbote, whose attention veers continually from the poem to his own unsatisfactory life, from John Shade's homely metaphysics and painful autobiography to what must be his own entirely irrelevant fantasy—unless he really is Charles the Beloved, the deposed King of Zembla; and that unless unlocks only the first in a series of secret passages. From the dedication copy of Pale Fire, inscribed by Nabokov for his wife Vera. Image from Vera's Butterflies (NY: Glenn Horowitz Bookseller, 1999). Courtesy the Estate of Vladimir Nabokov. Has Boyd's book-length study, written in response to an online discussion, produced a robust...
    5. Жаккар Жан-Филипп: От Набокова к Пушкину. Возвышенное в творчестве Даниила Хармса
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 51кб.
    Часть текста: необходимым по отдельности рассматривать понятие природного возвышенного (то есть проявление возвышенного в природе, как, например, разгул стихий, о котором философы говорили еще в древности), чувство возвышенного (посещающее индивидуума при виде того или иного явления вне зависимости от его природы), возвышенный стиль (предполагающий безусловное присутствие риторических элементов), а также возвышенное как категорию эстетическую или философскую. Упоминая некоторые поэтические элементы, относящиеся к возвышенному, в данной статье мы тем не менее ограничимся размышлениями о философской системе, которую пытался создать Хармс и которая в различных аспектах относится к возвышенному. Если говорить о произведении искусства, то перед нами стоит такая же трудность. Необходимо определить в какой-то мере ту точку, в которой расположено возвышенное: возвышенное может быть в изображаемом предмете, который представлен таким, каким он существует в природе (например, в романтическом искусстве), либо в той манере, в которой этот предмет изображен (стилистика), либо в самом произведении искусства, рассматриваемом как автономный предмет в качестве эстетического отображения некоего философского видения. Нас интересует именно последнее, поскольку, как мы увидим позже, именно оно позволяет выделить возвышенное в созданных авангардом системах (например, в абстракции). Необходимо также устранить еще один источник недопонимания: когда мы говорим, что нас интересует философская система Хармса, мы не подразумеваем, что писатель является философом, и еще...
    6. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 17 - 21
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    Часть текста: sufficed to assure me that it was one of those cheap money boxes called for some reason “luizettas” that you buy in Algiers and elsewhere, and wonder what to do with afterwards. It turned out to be much too flat for holding my bulky chessmen, but I kept itusing it for a totally different purpose. In order to break some pattern of fate in which I obscurely felt myself being enmeshed, I had decideddespite Lo’s visible annoyanceto spend another night at Chestnut Court; definitely waking up at four in the morning, I ascertained that Lo was still sound asleep (mouth open, in a kind of dull amazement at the curiously inane life we all had rigged up for her) and satisfied myself that the precious contents of the “luizetta” were safe. There, snugly wrapped in a white woolen scarf, lay a pocket automatic: caliber. 32, capacity of magazine 8 cartridges, length a little under one ninth of Lolita’s length, stock checked walnut, finish full blued. I had inherited it from the late Harold Haze, with a 1938 catalog which cheerily said in part: “Particularly well adapted for use in the home and car as well as on the person.” There it lay, ready ...
    7. Геллер Леонид: Художник в зоне мрака. "Bend Sinister" Набокова
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 31кб.
    Часть текста: болезни века, тоталитарному мышлению и политическому устройству [445] . Вкратце напомню сюжетную основу книги. Действие происходит в вымышленной стране, бывшей монархии и кратковременной республике, где в результате бескровного переворота к власти приходит эгалитаристская партия. Герой романа Адам Круг, философ с мировым именем, потрясенный личным горем — после неудачной операции умирает его жена, — с рассеянностью наблюдает за тем, как лидер партии Среднего Человека, его бывший школьный враг Падук, превращается в диктатора, а страна — в тоталитарное государство, ведущее террор против всех, кто может представлять опасность для нового порядка. Круг думает, что слава и талант делают его неуязвимым, и не отвечает ни на угрозы, ни на заигрывания диктатуры, которая пытается привлечь его на свою сторону. Но когда с целью шантажа берут в заложники, а затем — по роковой ошибке — убивают его единственного сына, философ восстает против диктатора — и погибает от пуль охранников. С сюжетной простотой романа контрастируют стилистические изыски, интеллектуальная осложненность, вторжение гротеска, использование техники, которую англо-саксонские...
    8. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 3 - 8
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    Часть текста: to be happy. Readeer must understand that in the possession and thralldom of a nymphet the enchanted traveler stands, as it were, beyond happiness.   For there is no other bliss on earth comparable to that of fondling a nymphet. It is hors   concours  , that bliss, it belongs to another class, another plane of sensitivity. Despite our tiffs, despite her nastiness, despite all the fuss and faces she made, and the vulgarity, and the danger, and the horrible hopelessness of it all, I still dwelled deep in my elected paradisea paradise whose skies were the color of hell-flamesbut still a paradise. The able psychiatrist who studies my caseand whom by now Dr. Humbert has plunged, I trust, into a state of leporine fascinationis no doubt anxious to have me take Lolita to the seaside and have me find there, at last, the “gratification” of a lifetime urge, and release from the “subconscious” obsession of an incomplete childhood romance with the initial little Miss Lee. Well, comrade, let me tell you that I did   look for a beach, though I also have to confess that by the time we reached its mirage of gray water, so many delights had already been granted me by my traveling companion that the search for a Kingdom by the Sea, a Sublimated Riviera, or whatnot, far from being the impulse of the subconscious, had become the rational pursuit of a purely theoretical thrill. The angels knew it, and arranged things accordingly. A visit to a plausible cove on the Atlantic side was completely messed up by foul weather. A thick damp sky, muddy waves, a sense of boundless but somehow matter-of-fact mistwhat could be further removed from the crisp charm, the sapphire occasion and rosy contingency of my Riviera romance? A couple of semitropical beaches on the Gulf, ...
    9. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
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    Часть текста: first volume took me a couple of years during which I put in seldom less than fifteen hours of work daily. As I look back on those days, I see them divided tidily into ample light and narrow shade: the light pertaining to the solace of research in palatial libraries, the shade to my excruciating desires and insomnias of which enough has been said. Knowing me by now, the reader can easily imagine how dusty and hot I got, trying to catch a glimpse of nymphets (alas, always remote) playing in Central Park, and how repulsed I was by the glitter of deodorized career girls that a gay dog in one of the offices kept unloading upon me. Let us skip all that. A dreadful breakdown sent me to a sanatorium for more than a year; I went back to my workonly to be hospitalized again. Robust outdoor life seemed to promise me some relief. One of my favorite doctors, a charming cynical chap with a little brown beard, had a brother, and this brother was about to lead an expedition into arctic Canada. I was attached to it as a “recorder of psychic reactions.” With two young botanists and an old carpenter I shared now and then (never very successfully) the favors...
    10. Эссе о драматургии ("Playwriting", на английском языке)
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 59кб.
    Часть текста: engagement at an American university. The Stanford course also included a discussion of some American plays, a survey of Soviet theatre, and an analysis of commentary on drama by several American critics. The two lectures presented here have been selected to accompany Nabokov's plays because they embody, in concentrated form, many of his principal guidelines for writing, reading, and performing plays. The reader is urged to bear in mind, however, that, later in life, Father might have expressed certain thoughts differently. The lectures were partly in typescript and partly in manuscript, replete with Nabokov's corrections, additions, deletions, occasional slips of the pen, and references to previous and subsequent installments of the course. I have limited myself to what editing seemed necessary for the presentation of the lectures in essay form. If Nabokov had been alive, he might perhaps have performed more radical surgery. He might also have added that the gruesome throes of realistic suicide he finds unacceptable onstage (in "The Tragedy of Tragedy") are now everyday fare on kiddies' TV, while "adult" entertainment has long since outdone all the goriness of the Grand Guignol. He might have observed that the aberrations of theatrical method wherein the illusion of a barrier between stage and audience is shattered - a phenomenon he considered "freakish" - are now commonplace: actors wander and mix; the audience is invited to participate; it is then applauded by the players in a curious reversal of roles made chic by Soviet performers ordered to emulate the mise-en-sce´ne of party congresses; and the term "happening" has already managed to grow obsolescent. He might have commented that the...