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1. Вне Лолиты: Вновь открывая Набокова. (Проект CNN, 1999 г.). His Legacy
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2. Вне Лолиты: Вновь открывая Набокова. (Проект CNN, 1999 г.). The Writer
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3. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
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4. Узбекова Г.Ф.: Искусство игры в русскоязычных романах Владимира Набокова. Библиография
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5. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 17 - 21
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6. Савельева В.В.: Художественная гипнология и онейропоэтика русских писателей. Примечания
Входимость: 1. Размер: 81кб.
7. Вне Лолиты: Вновь открывая Набокова. (Проект CNN, 1999 г.). The Man
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8. Стрельникова Л.Ю.: Игра как художественный метод в русскоязычных романах В. В. Набокова. Список литературы
Входимость: 1. Размер: 73кб.
9. Бартон Д.Д.: Миры и антимиры Владимира Набокова. Часть II. Набоков — анаграммист
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10. Nabokov's butterflies, dispersed
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11. Мейер Присцилла. "Бледный огонь" Владимира Набокова. 5. История: король Карл II
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12. Узбекова Г.Ф.: Искусство игры в русскоязычных романах Владимира Набокова. Примечания
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13. Грейсон Джейн: Метаморфозы "Дара"
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14. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Wisconsin Studies, 1967 г.
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15. Боги (перевод С. В. Сакуна)
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16. Утгоф Г.М.: «Audiatur et altera pars» - к проблеме «Набоков и Лоуэлл»
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17. Кабачек Оксана: Врата в бессознательное - Набоков плюс. Литература
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1. Вне Лолиты: Вновь открывая Набокова. (Проект CNN, 1999 г.). His Legacy
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Часть текста: Professor of Russian at University of Washington (CNN) - Scholars say Vladimir Nabokov will go down as one of the greatest original writers ever. He is the man who penned the most controversial novel of the 20th century, a book that has been termed both "the only convincing love story of our century" and "pornography," and still causes controversy 50 years after its release. But he also created a startling breadth of quality work that supports, matches and even surpasses the heights of talent he reached with the novel "Lolita." "He will be increasingly appreciated," says Jeff Edmunds, editor of Zembla, the Web site dedicated to Nabokov and his work. "He crosses national boundaries... he's not considered a modernist, or post-modernist... He's simply Nabokov." D. Barton Johnson, Professor Emeritus at University of California - Santa Barbara and former president of the International Vladimir Nabokov Society, agrees. "There can, I think, be no question that Nabokov is and will remain a prominent figure in the 20th Century canon - at least in American and Russian literature," Johnson says. "Nabokov is one of the rare figures who, at the end of the century, enjoys both a wide popular readership and is firmly entrenched in academe." Nabokov writing at his lectern, Montreux, 1966 Galya Diment, Professor of Russian at University of...
2. Вне Лолиты: Вновь открывая Набокова. (Проект CNN, 1999 г.). The Writer
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Часть текста: of poetry and nine plays. In his spare time (when he wasn't collecting, studying and writing about butterflies), Nabokov invented crosswords, translated texts as encompassing as "Alice in Wonderland," wrote academic papers and lectures, critical reviews, and nonfiction works. He also wrote a screenplay for the 1962 movie version of "Lolita," directed by Stanley Kubrick. In short, he was obsessed with words and was not intimidated by genre. He spent his working life trying to capture the perfect style and structure on the page, in the same way he netted a butterfly that fluttered in his path. Nabokov, known as VN, first gained acclaim in Berlin, writing in his native Russian language and developing a following with fellow émigrés. In 1923, shortly after his graduation from Cambridge, Nabokov was busy with work - he published four plays (including "Death" and "The Grandfather") and two books of poetry ("The Empyrean Path" and "The Cluster"). His first book, "Mary," was published in 1926. The story details a young émigré's longing for the love he left behind in Russia, the battle between what is memory and what is real, and the inevitable disappointment of facing both. The book received little initial attention. Nabokov working on "The Defense" at a hotel in Le Boulou, East Pyrenees, February 1929 That's not to say...
3. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
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Часть текста: gloom of yet another World War had settled upon the globe when, after a winter of ennui and pneumonia in Portugal, I at last reached the States. In New York I eagerly accepted the soft job fate offered me: it consisted mainly of thinking up and editing perfume ads. I welcomed its desultory character and pseudoliterary aspects, attending to it whenever I had nothing better to do. On the other hand, I was urged by a war-time university in New York to complete my comparative history of French literature for English-speaking students. The first volume took me a couple of years during which I put in seldom less than fifteen hours of work daily. As I look back on those days, I see them divided tidily into ample light and narrow shade: the light pertaining to the solace of research in palatial libraries, the shade to my excruciating desires and insomnias of which enough has been said. Knowing me by now, the reader can easily imagine how dusty and hot I got, trying to catch a glimpse of nymphets (alas, always remote) playing in Central Park, and how repulsed I was by the glitter of deodorized career girls that a gay dog in one of the offices kept unloading upon me. Let us skip all that. A dreadful breakdown sent me to a sanatorium for more than a year; I went back to my workonly to be hospitalized again. Robust outdoor life seemed to promise me some relief. One of my favorite doctors, a charming cynical chap with a little brown beard, had a brother, and this...
4. Узбекова Г.Ф.: Искусство игры в русскоязычных романах Владимира Набокова. Библиография
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Часть текста: I. Сочинения В.В. Набокова 1. Блок А. Лирика. М.: Эксмо-Пресс, 2001. - 416 с. 2. Набоков В.В. Собрание сочинений в 4 томах. М.: Правда, 1990. 3. Набоков В.В. Стихотворения и поэмы. М.: Современник, 1991. - 574 с. 4. Набоков В. Лекции по зарубежной литературе / Пер. с англ. С. Антонова, И. Бернштейн, Г. Дашевского и др. СПб..: Азбука-классика, 2010. - 512 с. 5. Набоков В. Лекции по русской литературе / Пер. с англ. С. Антонова, И. Бернштейн, Г. Дашевского и др. СПб..: Азбука-классика, 2010. - 448 с. 6. Набоков В.В. Камера обскура. М.: Азбука-Аттикус, 2010. - 224 с. 7. Пушкин А.С. Избранное. М.: Эксмо, 2003. - 672 с. 8. Шекспир У. Лирика. М.: Эксмо-Пресс , 1999. - 512 с. II. Работы по теории и поэтике художественной игры 9. Аверинцев С. С. Греческая «литература» и ближневосточная «словесность» // Вопросы литературы. № 8. 1971. C. 40-68. 10. Айхенвальд Ю.И. Силуэты русских писателей. Т. 3. Берлин: Слово, 1923. - 304 с. 11. Алферов А. Д. Петрушка и его предки: Очерк из истории народной кукольной комедии // Десять чтений по литературе. М, 1895. С.175-205. 12. Анастасьев Н.А. Феномен Набокова. М.: Советский писатель, 1992. - 320 с. 13. Арто А. Французский театр ищет миф // Как всегда - об авангарде: Антология французского театрального авангарда / Сост., пер. с франц., коммент. С. Исаева М.: Издательство ГИТИС, 1992. 288 с. 14....
5. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 17 - 21
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Часть текста: I kept itusing it for a totally different purpose. In order to break some pattern of fate in which I obscurely felt myself being enmeshed, I had decideddespite Lo’s visible annoyanceto spend another night at Chestnut Court; definitely waking up at four in the morning, I ascertained that Lo was still sound asleep (mouth open, in a kind of dull amazement at the curiously inane life we all had rigged up for her) and satisfied myself that the precious contents of the “luizetta” were safe. There, snugly wrapped in a white woolen scarf, lay a pocket automatic: caliber. 32, capacity of magazine 8 cartridges, length a little under one ninth of Lolita’s length, stock checked walnut, finish full blued. I had inherited it from the late Harold Haze, with a 1938 catalog which cheerily said in part: “Particularly well adapted for use in the home and car as well as on the person.” There it lay, ready for instant service on the person or persons, loaded and fully cocked with the slide lock in safety position, thus precluding any accidental discharge. We must remember that a pistol is the Freudian symbol of the Ur-father’s central forelimb. I was now glad I had it with meand even more glad that I had learned to use it two years before, in the pine forest around my and Charlotte’s glass lake. Farlow, with whom I had roamed those remote woods, was an admirable marksman, and with his. 38 actually managed to hit a hummingbird, though I must say not much of it could be retrieved for proofonly a little iridescent fluff. A burley ex-policeman called Krestovski, who in the twenties had...
6. Савельева В.В.: Художественная гипнология и онейропоэтика русских писателей. Примечания
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Часть текста: переводчика) //Жуве М. Замок снов. Пер. с франц. В.М. Ковальзона. Фрязино, 2006. С. 310-317. 5.    Бескова И.А. Природа сновидений: эпистемологический анализ. М., 2006. 6.    Столороу Р.Д. и Этвуд Д.Э. Психоаналитическая феноменология сновидения // Современная теория сновидений. Предисловие и общая редакция Сары Фландерс. Перевод А.П.Хомик. Научный редактор, канд.псих.наук Н.Ф.Калина. М., 1999. С.307-328 7.    Лотман Ю.М. Культура и взрыв (глава «Сон - семиотическое окно») // Лотман Ю.М. Семиосфера. СПб., 2004. 8.    Ремизов А. Сны и предсонье. СПб., 2000. 9.    Манн Т. Иосиф и его братья. Пер. с нем. С.Апта. Тт 1-2. М., 1968. Далее в тексте том и страницы указываются в круглых скобках. 10.    Борхес Х.Л. Страшный сон. Пер. И.Петровского// Борхес Х.Л. Письмена Бога. М., 1992. С. 401-414. 11.    Гессе Г. По следам сна. Пер. с нем. В.Седельника // Гессе Г. По следам сна: Сборник. М., 2004. С. 7-19. 12.    Юнг К. Общие аспекты психологии сновидений // Юнг К. Структура и динамика психического. Пер. с англ. М., 2008. 13.    Топоров В.Н. Странный Тургенев (Четыре главы). М., 1998. 14.    Изотова Е.С. Мотивный комплекс «сон - бессонница» в лирике Ф.И.Тютчева // Культура и текст - 2005: сборник научных трудов международной конференции: В 3 т. / под ред. Г.П.Козубовской. Т. 1. - СПб.; Самара; Барнаул: Изд-во Барн.гос.пед.ун-та, 2005. С. 133-140. 15.    Кириленко Е.И. Феноменология бессонницы // Человек. 2005. № 3. С. 17-30. 16.    Бельская Л.Л. «О мужской и женской «бессонницах» // ...
7. Вне Лолиты: Вновь открывая Набокова. (Проект CNN, 1999 г.). The Man
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Часть текста: a quiet life engaging in creation and Lepidoptera. Born on, or about, April 23, 1899 in St. Petersburg, Russia, Nabokov's childhood was spent in storybook fashion. The oldest of five children , he grew up in a wealthy and aristocratic family, shuttling between the family's two homes (one in St. Petersburg , and the other - an estate - 50 miles south in the countryside). He enjoyed playing tennis and soccer, but spent hours at a time embroiled in his passion - chasing and collecting butterflies, a hobby he apparently learned from his father . At the time, Russia was under the rule of Tsar Nicholas II, and Nabokov's father, Vladimir Dmitrievich Nabokov , was a respected (and to authorities, controversial) liberal politician. In fact, the elder Nabokov was imprisoned for 90 days in 1908 for signing a political manifesto. Nabokov's mother, Elena Ivanova , raised her three boys and two girls with the help of several governesses and tutors who taught the Nabokov children French and English, along with Russian. At the highly regarded Tenishev School, which Nabokov began attending in 1911, he was described as an aloof, even conceited, student who arrived each day in the family's Rolls-Royce. But Nabokov's dreamy childhood would receive a wake-up call with the Bolshevik revolution and the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II. Rioting forced his family to move, eventually, to England in 1919 where Nabokov and his brother enrolled in Cambridge . Nabokov majored in French and Russian literature. Nabokov in Berlin, 1923 Meanwhile, his father had settled the family in Berlin. But tragedy was waiting - in 1922, Nabokov's father was murdered while trying to stop an assassination attempt on politician Pavel Miliukov. According to Donald E. Morton in his book, "Vladimir Nabokov," after his father's death, Nabokov returned to school for his last term, "with the determination to do well." He graduated later that year. In 1923 Nabokov moved to...
8. Стрельникова Л.Ю.: Игра как художественный метод в русскоязычных романах В. В. Набокова. Список литературы
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Часть текста: и набоковиана // Б. Аверин. В. Набоков: PRO ET CONTRA. СПб.: Русский Христианский гуманитарный институт, 1997. 960 с. — C.846-862. 2. Аверинцев С. и др. Категории поэтики в смене литературных эпох // С. Аверинцев. Историческая поэтика. Литературные эпохи и типы художественного сознания. Сб. статей. М.: Наследие, 1994. — С. 3-38. 3. Агранович С. , Саморукова И. Двойничество. Самара: Изд-во Самарский университет, 2001. — 132 с. 4. Адамович Г. Владимир Набоков (из книги «Одиночество и свобода») // В. Набоков: PRO ET CONTRA. Т.1. СПб.: Русский Христианский гуманитарный институт, 1997. 960 с. — C. 249 — 260. 5. Адамович Г. Сирин // Классик без ретуши. Литературный мир о творчестве Владимира Набокова. Критические отзывы, эссе, пародии / Под общей редакцией Н.Г. Мельникова. М.: Издательство «Новое литературное обозрение», 2000. — 688 с. С. 195-199. 6. Адамович Г. Предисловие // Классик без ретуши. Литературный мир о творчестве Владимира Набокова. Критические отзывы, эссе, пародии / Под общей редакцией Н.Г. Мельникова. М.: Издательство «Новое литературное обозрение», 2000. — 688 с. С. 70-76. 7. Адамович Г. Рец.: «Современные записки», книга 40 // Классик без ретуши. Литературный мир о творчестве Владимира Набокова. Критические отзывы, эссе, пародии / Под общей редакцией Н.Г.Мельникова. М.: Издательство «Новое литературное обозрение», 2000. — 688 с. С. 55-56. 8. Адамович Г. Рец.: «Современные записки», книга 54 — 55 // Классик без ретуши. Литературный мир о творчестве Владимира Набокова. Критические отзывы, эссе, пародии / Под общей редакцией Н.Г. Мельникова. М.: Издательство «Новое литературное обозрение», 2000. — 688 с. С. 117-119. 9. Адамович Г. Рец.: «Современные записки», книга 56 // Классик без ретуши. Литературный мир о творчестве Владимира Набокова. Критические отзывы, эссе, пародии / Под...
9. Бартон Д.Д.: Миры и антимиры Владимира Набокова. Часть II. Набоков — анаграммист
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Часть текста: летящая птица), алфавитные символы обретают прямое значение вне набора условностей, которые осуществляют посредничество между звуком и смыслом. Только в рамках конвенций, известных как английский и русский языки, слова «dog» и «собака» обозначают одно и то же животное. В языке семиотики связь между знаком (буквой, звуком, словом) и означаемым (смыслом) произвольна. Синестезия и иконизм — два способа соединения этого разрыва. В какой-то степени средство общения становится сообщением, хотя надо подчеркнуть, что уровень коммуникации, возможный благодаря таким явлениям, неизбежно останется весьма примитивным. Эти явления играют подчиненную роль, хотя на эстетическом уровне они эффективны. Синестетические и иконические значения привязываются к отдельным буквам и не могут «складываться». Вспомнив набоковское английское слово-«радугу» KZPSYGV, мы можем убедиться, что из таких образований не получаются «настоящие» слова. Мы попадаем в мир настоящего языка лишь тогда, когда связь между символом и смыслом условна. В предыдущей главе мы рассматривали значение буквы в произведениях...
10. Nabokov's butterflies, dispersed
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Часть текста: was distressing, but had to be done. Dmitri Nabokov, who turned 70 on May 10, felt his own death approaching, he said in an interview, and wanted to tie up the strands of his life. So he sold his father's collection, including an elaborate sketch on the flyleaf of a book showing the imaginary "Verina raduga Nab." with dappled wings of violet and blue, blood-orange glimmers and iridescent greens. It was auctioned in Geneva on May 5. "Of course it tugs at the heartstrings to let go of these lovely butterflies," Nabokov said at his home in Montreux, Switzerland. "The little, simple ones are so touching. But I would rather do a thing like this lucidly. Having seen death close up on three occasions, it's frightening to think you might leave such precious loose ends." Dmitri has no direct heirs, so when his parents were still alive, it was decided that the books would be auctioned before his death. The collection, except for a few items, was sold last week for nearly $750,000, less than anticipated: Various private collections, most from France and Switzerland, bought parts of it, which will now be scattered to the breeze. Vladimir Nabokov died near Montreux in 1977. Dmitri Nabokov's library consisted of a wide array of his father's novels, short stories, poems and translations, as well as a small set of critical studies. Dedicated for the most part to Dmitri and his mother, Vera, the books were often autographed and annotated. Many are deftly adorned with butterflies, drawn in ink or color pencils on the first page. The first major series of Vladimir Nabokov's archives and manuscripts was acquired in 1991 by the Berg Collection of the New York Public Library. This second series, and perhaps the last, constitutes more than 100 volumes and 30 titles, a remarkable medley of Russian and American literature. "I am an American author, born in Russia, educated in England, where I studied French texts," Nabokov once said....