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    1. Боги (перевод С. В. Сакуна)
    Входимость: 10. Размер: 39кб.
    2. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 1 - 2
    Входимость: 7. Размер: 49кб.
    3. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 32 - 36
    Входимость: 7. Размер: 58кб.
    4. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 9 - 16
    Входимость: 7. Размер: 59кб.
    5. Утгоф Г.М.: «Audiatur et altera pars» - к проблеме «Набоков и Лоуэлл»
    Входимость: 6. Размер: 53кб.
    6. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 23 - 27
    Входимость: 6. Размер: 59кб.
    7. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 3 - 8
    Входимость: 5. Размер: 54кб.
    8. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 17 - 21
    Входимость: 5. Размер: 52кб.
    9. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 27 - 31
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 46кб.
    10. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 18 - 22
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 53кб.
    11. Чарльз Кинбот: Серебристый свет. Подлинная жизнь Владимира Набокова. Chapter Ten. America
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 10кб.
    12. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 53кб.
    13. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 12 - 17
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 43кб.
    14. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 1 - 8
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 53кб.
    15. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter one
    Входимость: 3. Размер: 72кб.
    16. Бартон Д.Д.: Миры и антимиры Владимира Набокова. Часть V. Набоков — литературный космолог
    Входимость: 3. Размер: 96кб.
    17. По поводу адаптации
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 12кб.
    18. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter seven
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 67кб.
    19. Бабиков А. А.: Прочтение Набокова. Изыскания и материалы. Сочетание стали и патоки. Владимир Набоков о советской литературе
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 205кб.
    20. Роупер Р: Набоков в Америке. По дороге к «Лолите». Глава 17
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 47кб.
    21. Здесь говорят по-русски (перевод С. Сакуна)
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 43кб.
    22. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Fragments of Onegin's journey
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 26кб.
    23. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Wisconsin Studies, 1967 г.
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 63кб.
    24. Набоков В. В. - Зензинову В. М., 18 июня 1948 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
    25. Набоков В. В. - Зензинову В. М., 23 июля 1941 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 15кб.
    26. Пнин (перевод С. Ильина)
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 1кб.
    27. Роупер Р: Набоков в Америке. По дороге к «Лолите». Примечания
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 175кб.
    28. Мельников Н. Г.: О Набокове и прочем. Несовершенное творение, или стрельба дуплетом
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 26кб.
    29. Пнин (перевод С. Ильина). Глава третья
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 1кб.
    30. Чарльз Кинбот: Серебристый свет. Подлинная жизнь Владимира Набокова. Chapter Nine. Zashchita Luzhina
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 23кб.
    31. Набоков В. В. - Зензинову В. М., 3 мая 1949 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 2кб.
    32. Чарльз Кинбот: Серебристый свет. Подлинная жизнь Владимира Набокова. Chapter Seven. King, Queen, Knave
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 18кб.
    33. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter eight
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 71кб.
    34. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 22 - 26
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 57кб.
    35. Набоков В. В. - Набоковой В., 4 июня 1939 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 1кб.
    36. Мельников Н. Г.: О Набокове и прочем. Злодеяния Джона Апдайка
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 16кб.
    37. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Глава первая. Пункты XXXIII - XXXV
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 68кб.
    38. Эссе о драматургии ("Playwriting", на английском языке)
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 59кб.
    39. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The New York Times Book Review, 1968 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 15кб.
    40. Левинтон Г. А.: The Importance of Being Russian или Les allusions perdues
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 106кб.
    41. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Vogue, 1972 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 17кб.
    42. Найман Эрик: Извращения в «Пнине» (Набоков наоборот). Глава 3
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 16кб.
    43. Тамми Пекка: Поэтика даты у Набокова
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 61кб.
    44. Набоков В. В. - Зензинову В. М., 21 января 1949 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 5кб.

    Примерный текст на первых найденных страницах

    1. Боги (перевод С. В. Сакуна)
    Входимость: 10. Размер: 39кб.
    Часть текста: аллей, где журчит и шелестит ночной дождь. Улыбнись мне. Почему ты смотришь на меня так пасмурно и мрачно. Теперь утро. Всю ночь звёзды пронзительно кричали детскими голосами, и, кто-то на крыше терзал и ласкал скрипку острым смычком. Смотри, солнце перевалилось через стену, словно сияющий парусник. Ты выдыхаешь туманом всё обволакивающий дым. Пылинки начинают кружиться в твоих глазах, миллионы золотых миров. Ты улыбнулась! Мы выходим на балкон. Весна. Внизу, посреди улицы, жёлто-кудрявый малыш быстро-быстро рисует бога. Бог растянулся от одной стороны улицы до другой. Малыш сжимает в руке кусок мела, маленький кусок белого угольного карандаша, и сидя на корточках, поворачивается, вычерчивая широкую линию. У этого белого бога большие белые пуговицы и развёрнутые наружу ступни. Распятый на асфальте он смотрит в небеса круглыми глазами. Белой дугой рот. Бревно-образная сигара появилась у него во рту. Винтовыми толчками малыш изображает спиралевидный дым. Руки в боки, он созерцает свою работу. Добавляет ещё одну пуговицу. Громыхнула оконная рама через дорогу; женский голос, огромный и счастливый позвал его. Малыш зафутболил подальше мел и помчался домой. На фиолетовом асфальте остался белый, геометрический бог, вглядывающийся в небо. Твой взгляд опять мрачнеет. Я знаю, конечно, что тебе припоминается. В углу нашей спальни, под иконой, цветной резиновый мячик. Иногда он мягко и печально прыгает со стола и тихо катится по полу. Положи его на место, под икону, и потом, почему бы нам не прогуляться? Весенний воздух. Слегка пушистый. Посмотри на эти липы, равняющие улицу. Чёрные их ветви покрыты...
    2. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 1 - 2
    Входимость: 7. Размер: 49кб.
    Часть текста: insatiable illicit love. At first, in my dread of arousing suspicion, I would eagerly pay for both sections of one double unit, each containing a double bed. I wondered what type of foursome this arrangement was even intended for, since only a pharisaic parody of privacy could be attained by means of the incomplete partition dividing the cabin or room into two communicating love nests. By and by, the very possibilities that such honest promiscuity suggested (two young couples merrily swapping mates or a child shamming sleep to earwitness primal sonorities) made me bolder, and every now and then I would take a bed-and-cot or twin-bed cabin, a prison cell or paradise, with yellow window shades pulled down to create a morning illusion of Venice and sunshine when actually it was Pennsylvania and rain. We came to know nous connmes,   to use a Flaubertian intonationthe stone cottages under enormous Chateaubriandesque trees, the brick unit, the adobe unit, the stucco court, on what the Tour Book of the Automobile Association describes as “shaded” or “spacious” or “landscaped” grounds. The log kind, finished in knotty pine, reminded Lo, by its golden-brown glaze, of friend-chicken bones. We held in contempt the plain whitewashed clapboard Kabins, with their faint sewerish smell or some other gloomy self-conscious stench and nothing to boast of (except “good beds”), and an unsmiling landlady always prepared to have her gift (“…well, I could give you…”) turned down. Nous connmes   (this is royal fun) the would-be enticements of their repetitious namesall those Sunset Motels, U-Beam Cottages, Hillcrest Courts, Pine View Courts, Mountain View Courts, Skyline...
    3. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 32 - 36
    Входимость: 7. Размер: 58кб.
    Часть текста: a glamour man, not a pal, not even a person at all, but just two eyes and a foot of engorged brawnto mention only mentionable matters. There was the day when having withdrawn the functional promise I had made her on the eve (whatever she had set her funny little heart ona roller rink with some special plastic floor or a movie matinee to which she wanted to go alone), I happened to glimpse from the bathroom, through a chance combination of mirror aslant and door ajar, a look on her face… that look I cannot exactly describe… an expression of helplessness so perfect that it seemed to grade into one of rather comfortable inanity just because this was the very limit of injustice and frustrationand every limit presupposes something beyond ithence the neutral illumination. And when you bear in mind that these were the raised eyebrows and parted lips of a child, you may better appreciate what depths of calculated carnality, what reflected despair, restrained me from falling at her dear feet and dissolving in human tears, and sacrificing my jealousy to whatever pleasure Lolita might hope to derive from mixing with dirty and dangerous children in an outside world that was real to her. And I have still other smothered memories, now unfolding themselves into limbless monsters of pain. Once, in a sunset-ending street of Beardsley, she turned to little Eva Rosen (I was taking both nymphets to a concert and walking behind them so close as almost to touch them with my person), she turned to Eva, and so very serenely and seriously, in answer to something the other had said about its being better to die than hear Milton Pinski, some local schoolboy she knew, talk about music, my Lolita remarked: “You know, what’s so dreadful about dying is that you are...
    4. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 9 - 16
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    Часть текста: had obviously long ceased to be a nymphet, if she ever had been one. Eva Rosen, a displaced little person from France, was on the other hand a good example of a not strikingly beautiful child revealing to the perspicacious amateur some of the basic elements of nymphet charm, such as a perfect pubescent figure and lingering eyes and high cheekbones. Her glossy copper hair had Lolita’s silkiness, and the features of her delicate milky-white face with pink lips and silverfish eyelashes were less foxy than those of her likesthe great clan of intra-racial redheads; nor did she sport their green uniform but wore, as I remember her, a lot of black or cherry darka very smart black pullover, for instance, and high-heeled black shoes, and garnet-red fingernail polish. I spoke French to her (much to Lo’s disgust). The child’s tonalities were still admirably pure, but for school words and play words she resorted to current American and then a slight Brooklyn accent would crop up in her speech, which was amusing in a little Parisian who went to a select New England school with phoney British aspirations. Unfortunately, despite “that French kid’s uncle” being “a millionaire,” Lo dropped Eva for some reason before I had had time to enjoy in my modest way her fragrant presence in the Humbert open house. The reader knows what importance I attached to having a bevy of page girls, consolation prize nymphets, around my Lolita. For a while, I endeavored to interest my senses in Mona Dahl who was a good deal around, especially during the spring term when Lo and she got so enthusiastic about dramatics. I have often wondered what secrets outrageously treacherous Dolores Haze had imparted to Mona while blurting out to me by urgent and well-paid request various really incredible details concerning an affair that Mona had had with a marine at the seaside. It was characteristic of Lo that she...
    5. Утгоф Г.М.: «Audiatur et altera pars» - к проблеме «Набоков и Лоуэлл»
    Входимость: 6. Размер: 53кб.
    Часть текста: поэта и прозаика Вадима Андреева, - переводчица, журналистка, автор мемуаров, в том числе о встречах с Борисом Пастернаком» 2 . Справка эта нуждается в существенных дополнениях. В частности, что такое те «мерзостны<е> “преображен- ии<я>”», о которых с таким гневом пишет своему адресату Набоков? Очевидно, что речь здесь идет об одной из тогдашних новинок - антологии “Poets on Street Corners” («Поэты на уличных углах») под редакцией О. В. Андреевой-Карлайль. В антологию эту вошли переводы из пятнадцати русских поэтов: А. Блока, Анны Ахматовой, Б. Пастернака, О. Мандельштама, М. Цветаевой, В. Маяковского, С. Есенина, Н. Заболоцкого, Б. Поплавского, Е. Евтушенко, А. Вознесенского, И. Холина, Г. Сапгира, Б. Ахмадулиной и И. Бродского 3 . Переводы из Мандельштама, выполненные Робертом Лоуэллом, лауреатом Bollingen Poetry Translation Prize 1962 г., помещены в антологии с указанием на их подчеркнуто вольный характер. Уже этого одного обстоятельства было достаточно для того, чтоб Набоков счел Лоуэлла оскорбителем тени покойного Мандельштама - поэта, который Набокову был особенно дорог в те годы 4 . В 1964 г. в предисловии к своему комментированному переводу пушкинского «Онегина» Набоков писал, что попытки поэтического перевода подпадают под три категории: 1) парафрастический перевод (создание вольного переложения исходного текста с купюрами и конъектурами), 2) лексический перевод (передача основного смысла слов и их порядка) и - наконец - 3) буквальный перевод (передача точного контекстуального значения подлинника столь близко, сколь это позволяют ассоциативные и синтаксические особенности другого языка). «Only this is true translation» 5 , - подчеркивал он, говоря о переводе буквальном 6 . 4 декабря 1969 г. “The New York Review of Books” («Нью- Йоркское книжное обозрение». 1969. Т. 13. № 10)...
    6. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 23 - 27
    Входимость: 6. Размер: 59кб.
    Часть текста: open like wings, its front wheels deep in evergreen shrubbery. To the anatomical right of this car, on the trim turn of the lawn-slope, an old gentleman with a white mustache, well-dresseddouble-breasted gray suit, polka-dotted bow-tielay supine, his long legs together, like a death-size wax figure. I have to put the impact of an instantaneous vision into a sequence of words; their physical accumulation in the page impairs the actual flash, the sharp unity of impression: Rug-heap, car, old man-doll, Miss O.’s nurse running with a rustle, a half-empty tumbler in her hand, back to the screened porchwhere the propped-up, imprisoned, decrepit lady herself may be imagined screeching, but not loud enough to drown the rhythmical yaps of the Junk setter walking from group to groupfrom a bunch of neighbors already collected on the sidewalk, near the bit of checked stuff, and back to the car which he had finally run to earth, and then to another group on the lawn, consisting of Leslie, two policemen and a sturdy man with tortoise shell glasses. At this point, I should explain that the prompt appearance of the...
    7. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 3 - 8
    Входимость: 5. Размер: 54кб.
    Часть текста: not scowl at me, reader, I do not intend to convey the impressin that I did not manage to be happy. Readeer must understand that in the possession and thralldom of a nymphet the enchanted traveler stands, as it were, beyond happiness.   For there is no other bliss on earth comparable to that of fondling a nymphet. It is hors   concours  , that bliss, it belongs to another class, another plane of sensitivity. Despite our tiffs, despite her nastiness, despite all the fuss and faces she made, and the vulgarity, and the danger, and the horrible hopelessness of it all, I still dwelled deep in my elected paradisea paradise whose skies were the color of hell-flamesbut still a paradise. The able psychiatrist who studies my caseand whom by now Dr. Humbert has plunged, I trust, into a state of leporine fascinationis no doubt anxious to have me take Lolita to the seaside and have me find there, at last, the “gratification” of a lifetime urge, and release from the “subconscious” obsession of an incomplete childhood romance with the initial little Miss Lee. Well, comrade, let me tell you that I did   look for a beach, though I also have to confess that by the time we reached its mirage of gray water, so many delights had already been granted me by my traveling companion that the search for a Kingdom by the Sea, a Sublimated Riviera, or whatnot, far from being the impulse of the subconscious, had...
    8. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 17 - 21
    Входимость: 5. Размер: 52кб.
    Часть текста: It turned out to be much too flat for holding my bulky chessmen, but I kept itusing it for a totally different purpose. In order to break some pattern of fate in which I obscurely felt myself being enmeshed, I had decideddespite Lo’s visible annoyanceto spend another night at Chestnut Court; definitely waking up at four in the morning, I ascertained that Lo was still sound asleep (mouth open, in a kind of dull amazement at the curiously inane life we all had rigged up for her) and satisfied myself that the precious contents of the “luizetta” were safe. There, snugly wrapped in a white woolen scarf, lay a pocket automatic: caliber. 32, capacity of magazine 8 cartridges, length a little under one ninth of Lolita’s length, stock checked walnut, finish full blued. I had inherited it from the late Harold Haze, with a 1938 catalog which cheerily said in part: “Particularly well adapted for use in the home and car as well as on the person.” There it lay, ready for instant service on the person or persons, loaded and fully cocked with the slide lock in safety position, thus precluding any accidental discharge. We must remember that a pistol is the Freudian symbol of the Ur-father’s central forelimb. I was now glad I had it with meand even more glad that I had learned to use it two years before, in the pine forest around my and Charlotte’s glass lake. Farlow, with whom I had roamed those remote woods, was an admirable marksman, and with his. 38 actually managed to hit a hummingbird, though I must say not much of it could be retrieved for proofonly a little...
    9. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 27 - 31
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 46кб.
    Часть текста: made my wild delight also perfect, just because the vision was out of reach, with no possibility of attainment to spoil it by the awareness of an appended taboo; indeed, it may well be that the very attraction immaturity has for me lies not so much in the limpidity of pure young forbidden fairy child beauty as in the security of a situation where infinite perfections fill the gap between the little given and the great promisedthe great rosegray never-to-be-had. Mes fentres!   Hanging above blotched sunset and welling night, grinding my teeth, I would crowd all the demons of my desire against the railing of a throbbing balcony: it would be ready to take off in the apricot and black humid evening; did take offwhereupon the lighted image would move and Even would revert to a rib, and there would be nothing in the window but an obese partly clad man reading the paper. Since I sometimes won the race between my fancy and nature’s reality, the deception was bearable. Unbearable pain began when chance entered the fray and deprived me of the smile meant for me. “ Savez-vous qu’ dix ans ma petite tait folle de voius?”   said a woman I talked to at a tea in Paris, and the petite   had just married, miles away, and I could not even remember if I had ever noticed her in that garden, next to those tennis courts, a dozen years before. And now likewise, the radiant foreglimpse, the promise of reality, a promise not only to be simulated seductively but also to be nobly heldall this, chance denied mechance and a change to smaller characters on the pale beloved writer’s part. My fancy was both Proustianized and Procrusteanized; for that particular morning, late in September 1952, as I had come down to grope for my mail, the dapper and bilious janitor with whom I was on execrable terms started to complain that a man who had seen Rita home recently had been “sick like a dog” on the front steps. In the...
    10. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 18 - 22
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 53кб.
    Часть текста: she could not control her heart or her cries, she was a woman of principle. Immediately after she had become more or less my mistress (despite the stimulants, her “nervous, eager chri  a heroic chri   !  had some initial trouble, for which, however, he amply compensated her by a fantastic display of old-world endearments), good Charlotte interviewed me about my relations with God. I could have answered that on that score my mind was open; I said, insteadpaying my tribute to a pious platitudethat I believed in a cosmic spirit. Looking down at her fingernails, she also asked me had I not in my family a certain strange strain. I countered by inquiring whether she would still want to marry me if my father’s maternal grandfather had been, say, a Turk. She said it did not matter a bit; but that, if she ever found out I did not believe in Our Christian God, she would commit suicide. She said it so solemnly that it gave me the creeps. It was then I knew she was a woman of principle. Oh, she was very genteel: she said “excuse me” whenever a slight burp interrupted her flowing speech, called an envelope and ahnvelope, and when talking to her lady-friends referred to me as Mr. Humbert. I thought it would please her if I entered the community trailing some glamour after me. On the day of our wedding a little interview with me appeared in the Society Column of the Ramsdale Journal  , with a photograph of Charlotte, one eyebrow up and a misprint in her name (“Hazer”). Despite this contretempts, the publicity warmed the porcelain cockles of her heartand made my rattles shake with awful glee. by engaging in church work as well as by getting to know the better mothers of Lo’s schoolmates, Charlotte in the course of twenty months or so had managed to become if ...