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    1. Савельева В.В.: Художественная гипнология и онейропоэтика русских писателей. Приложение
    Входимость: 8. Размер: 39кб.
    2. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 27 - 31
    Входимость: 7. Размер: 46кб.
    3. Эссе о драматургии ("Playwriting", на английском языке)
    Входимость: 7. Размер: 59кб.
    4. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 23 - 27
    Входимость: 6. Размер: 59кб.
    5. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 1 - 2
    Входимость: 5. Размер: 49кб.
    6. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 32 - 36
    Входимость: 5. Размер: 58кб.
    7. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 53кб.
    8. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Anonymous, 1972 г.
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 6кб.
    9. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 28 - 33
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 42кб.
    10. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter six
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 55кб.
    11. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 9 - 16
    Входимость: 3. Размер: 59кб.
    12. Трезьяк Дж.: Разгадывая страдание
    Входимость: 3. Размер: 30кб.
    13. Утгоф Г.М.: «Audiatur et altera pars» - к проблеме «Набоков и Лоуэлл»
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 53кб.
    14. Бренча на клавикордах
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 27кб.
    15. Роупер Р: Набоков в Америке. По дороге к «Лолите». Библиография
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 43кб.
    16. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter one
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 72кб.
    17. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter eight
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 71кб.
    18. Ильин С.: Комната. На перевод "Евгения Онегина"
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 32кб.
    19. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Playboy, 1964 г.
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 53кб.
    20. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 17 - 21
    Входимость: 2. Размер: 52кб.
    21. Федотов О.И.: Между Моцартом и Сальери (о поэтическом даре Набокова). 2.8. Строфика
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 213кб.
    22. Федотов О.И.: Между Моцартом и Сальери (о поэтическом даре Набокова). 1.7. Пасха. Время гибели и воскресения
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 25кб.
    23. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter four
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 54кб.
    24. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. BBC-2, 1968 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 9кб.
    25. Долинин Александр: Комментарий к роману Владимира Набокова «Дар». Глава первая
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 233кб.
    26. Чарльз Кинбот: Серебристый свет. Подлинная жизнь Владимира Набокова. Chapter Two. An Insipid Incipit
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 6кб.
    27. Роупер Р: Набоков в Америке. По дороге к «Лолите». Примечания
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 175кб.
    28. Блюмбаум Аркадий: Антиисторицизм как эстетическая позиция (К проблеме: Набоков и Бергсон)
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 123кб.
    29. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. BBC-2, 1969 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 22кб.
    30. Мейер Присцилла. "Бледный огонь" Владимира Набокова. Тезис. "Лолита" и "Онегин": Америка и Россия
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 91кб.
    31. Брайан Бойд. Владимир Набоков: американские годы. Глава 7. Преподаватель русской литературы: Корнель, 1948–1950
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 63кб.
    32. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter seven
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 67кб.
    33. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter three
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 61кб.
    34. Найман Эрик: Извращения в «Пнине» (Набоков наоборот). Глава 1
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 56кб.
    35. Джонсон Д. Б.: Владимир Набоков и Руперт Брук
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 58кб.
    36. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 18 - 22
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 53кб.
    37. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. The Paris Review, 1967 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 29кб.
    38. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Вступление переводчика. Онегинская строфа
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 17кб.
    39. Шраер Д. Максим: Спасение еврейско-русского мальчика - рассказы Набокова в ожидании катастрофы
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 1кб.
    40. The Song of Igor's Campaign, Igor son of Svyatoslav and grandson of Oleg (перевод Набокова)
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 34кб.
    41. Комментарий к роману "Евгений Онегин". Глава первая. Эпиграф, пункты I - V
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 64кб.
    42. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Time, 1969 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 21кб.
    43. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Vogue, 1969 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 11кб.
    44. К переводу "Евгения Онегина"
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 3кб.
    45. Бартон Д.Д.: Миры и антимиры Владимира Набокова. Часть II. Набоков — анаграммист
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 115кб.
    46. Из переписки Владимира Набокова и Эдмонда Уилсона. 1952 г.
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 16кб.
    47. Брайан Бойд. Владимир Набоков: американские годы. Глава 4. Стабильная нестабильность: Кембридж и Уэлсли, 1944–1946
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 50кб.
    48. Сакун С. В.: Гамбит Сирина (сборник статей). Блез Паскаль в метафизическом подтексте романа В. Набокова "Защита Лужина"
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 174кб.
    49. Anniversary notes
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 33кб.
    50. Пнин (перевод С. Ильина). Глава четвертая
    Входимость: 1. Размер: 1кб.

    Примерный текст на первых найденных страницах

    1. Савельева В.В.: Художественная гипнология и онейропоэтика русских писателей. Приложение
    Входимость: 8. Размер: 39кб.
    Часть текста: the boundaries of different academic fields, such as physiology, medicine, philosophy, psychology, literary and cultural studies, and semiotics. V.M.Kovalzon, The Doctor of Biology and a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams, defines the process of sleeping as “...особое генетически детерминированное состояние организма человека и других теплокровных животных (т.е. млекопитающих и птиц), характеризующееся закономерной последовательной сменой определенных полиграфических картин в виде циклов, фаз и стадий» (“.a special, genetically determined state of the human body and the body of other warm-blooded animals (mammals and birds), which is characterized by the logical succession of certain multi-graphic pictures in the form of cycles, phases and stages” ) [6, с.311]. The process of sleeping is inevitably accompanied by the phases of dreams, which some scholars describe as the period of paradoxical sleeping. According to J.M. Lotman, a dream is «семиотическое зеркало, и каждый видит в нем отражение своего языка» (“.a semiotic mirror, and everyone beholds in it the reflection of his or her own language”) [9, с.124]. V. N. Toporov, while chronologically cataloguing literary dreams from the texts of I. S. Turgenev, proposed to classify them according to their themes and to distinguish their repeating motifs and archetypes [21]. But the recurrence of similar images and situations of literary dreams might be found in the literary texts not only of the same, but of...
    2. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 27 - 31
    Входимость: 7. Размер: 46кб.
    Часть текста: childish scrawl was horribly transformed into the dull hand of one of my few correspondentsI used to recollect, with anguished amusement, the times in my trustful, pre-dolorian past when I would be misled by a jewel-bright window opposite wherein my lurking eye, the ever alert periscope of my shameful vice, would make out from afar a half-naked nymphet stilled in the act of combing her Alice-in-Wonderland hair. There was in the fiery phantasm a perfection which made my wild delight also perfect, just because the vision was out of reach, with no possibility of attainment to spoil it by the awareness of an appended taboo; indeed, it may well be that the very attraction immaturity has for me lies not so much in the limpidity of pure young forbidden fairy child beauty as in the security of a situation where infinite perfections fill the gap between the little given and the great promisedthe great rosegray never-to-be-had. Mes fentres!   Hanging above blotched sunset and welling night, grinding my teeth, I would crowd all the demons of my desire against the railing of a throbbing balcony: it would be ready to take off in the apricot and black humid evening; did take offwhereupon the lighted image would move and Even would revert to a rib, and there would be nothing in the window but an obese partly clad man reading the paper. Since I sometimes won the race between my fancy and nature’s reality, the deception was bearable. Unbearable pain began when chance entered the fray and deprived me of the smile meant for me. “ Savez-vous qu’ dix ans ma petite tait folle de voius?”   said a woman I talked to at a tea in Paris, and the petite   had just married, miles away, and I could not even remember if I had ever noticed...
    3. Эссе о драматургии ("Playwriting", на английском языке)
    Входимость: 7. Размер: 59кб.
    Часть текста: and an analysis of commentary on drama by several American critics. The two lectures presented here have been selected to accompany Nabokov's plays because they embody, in concentrated form, many of his principal guidelines for writing, reading, and performing plays. The reader is urged to bear in mind, however, that, later in life, Father might have expressed certain thoughts differently. The lectures were partly in typescript and partly in manuscript, replete with Nabokov's corrections, additions, deletions, occasional slips of the pen, and references to previous and subsequent installments of the course. I have limited myself to what editing seemed necessary for the presentation of the lectures in essay form. If Nabokov had been alive, he might perhaps have performed more radical surgery. He might also have added that the gruesome throes of realistic suicide he finds unacceptable onstage (in "The Tragedy of Tragedy") are now everyday fare on kiddies' TV, while "adult" entertainment has long since outdone all the goriness of the Grand Guignol. He might have observed that...
    4. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 23 - 27
    Входимость: 6. Размер: 59кб.
    Часть текста: stood there, shining in the sun, its doors open like wings, its front wheels deep in evergreen shrubbery. To the anatomical right of this car, on the trim turn of the lawn-slope, an old gentleman with a white mustache, well-dresseddouble-breasted gray suit, polka-dotted bow-tielay supine, his long legs together, like a death-size wax figure. I have to put the impact of an instantaneous vision into a sequence of words; their physical accumulation in the page impairs the actual flash, the sharp unity of impression: Rug-heap, car, old man-doll, Miss O.’s nurse running with a rustle, a half-empty tumbler in her hand, back to the screened porchwhere the propped-up, imprisoned, decrepit lady herself may be imagined screeching, but not loud enough to drown the rhythmical yaps of the Junk setter walking from group to groupfrom a bunch of neighbors already collected on the sidewalk, near the bit of checked stuff, and back to the car which he had finally run to earth, and then to another group on the lawn, consisting of Leslie, two policemen and a sturdy man with tortoise shell glasses. At this point, I should explain that the prompt appearance of the patrolmen, hardly more than a minute after the accident, was due to their having been ticketing the illegally parked cars in a cross lane two blocks down the grade; that the fellow with the glasses was Frederick Beale, Jr., driver of the Packard; that his 79-year-old father, whom the...
    5. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 1 - 2
    Входимость: 5. Размер: 49кб.
    Часть текста: Part Two. Chapters 1 - 2 Part Two 1 It was then that began our extensive travels all over the States. To any other type of tourist accommodation I soon grew to prefer the Functional Motelclean, neat, safe nooks, ideal places for sleep, argument, reconciliation, insatiable illicit love. At first, in my dread of arousing suspicion, I would eagerly pay for both sections of one double unit, each containing a double bed. I wondered what type of foursome this arrangement was even intended for, since only a pharisaic parody of privacy could be attained by means of the incomplete partition dividing the cabin or room into two communicating love nests. By and by, the very possibilities that such honest promiscuity suggested (two young couples merrily swapping mates or a child shamming sleep to earwitness primal sonorities) made me bolder, and every now and then I would take a bed-and-cot or twin-bed cabin, a prison cell or paradise, with yellow window shades pulled down to create a morning illusion of Venice and sunshine when actually it was Pennsylvania and rain. We came to know nous connmes,   to use a Flaubertian intonationthe stone cottages under enormous Chateaubriandesque trees, the brick unit, the adobe unit, the stucco court, on what the Tour Book of the Automobile Association describes as “shaded” or “spacious” or “landscaped” grounds. The log kind, finished in knotty pine, reminded Lo, by its golden-brown glaze, of friend-chicken bones. We held in contempt the plain whitewashed clapboard Kabins,...
    6. Lolita. Part Two. Chapters 32 - 36
    Входимость: 5. Размер: 58кб.
    Часть текста: to which she wanted to go alone), I happened to glimpse from the bathroom, through a chance combination of mirror aslant and door ajar, a look on her face… that look I cannot exactly describe… an expression of helplessness so perfect that it seemed to grade into one of rather comfortable inanity just because this was the very limit of injustice and frustrationand every limit presupposes something beyond ithence the neutral illumination. And when you bear in mind that these were the raised eyebrows and parted lips of a child, you may better appreciate what depths of calculated carnality, what reflected despair, restrained me from falling at her dear feet and dissolving in human tears, and sacrificing my jealousy to whatever pleasure Lolita might hope to derive from mixing with dirty and dangerous children in an outside world that was real to her. And I have still other smothered memories, now unfolding themselves into limbless monsters of pain. Once, in a sunset-ending street of Beardsley, she turned to little Eva Rosen (I was taking both nymphets to a concert and walking behind them so close as almost to touch them with my person), she turned to Eva, and so very serenely and seriously, in answer to something the other had said about its being better to die than hear Milton Pinski, some local schoolboy she knew, talk about music, my Lolita remarked: “You know, what’s so dreadful about dying is that you are completely on your own”; and it struck me, as my automaton knees went up and down, that I simply did not know a thing about my darling’s mind and that quite possibly, behind the awful juvenile clichs, there was in her a garden and a twilight, and a palace gatedim and adorable regions which happened to be lucidly and absolutely forbidden to me, in my polluted rags and miserable convulsions; for I often noticed that living as we did, she and I, in a world of total evil, we would...
    7. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 9 - 11
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 53кб.
    Часть текста: The first volume took me a couple of years during which I put in seldom less than fifteen hours of work daily. As I look back on those days, I see them divided tidily into ample light and narrow shade: the light pertaining to the solace of research in palatial libraries, the shade to my excruciating desires and insomnias of which enough has been said. Knowing me by now, the reader can easily imagine how dusty and hot I got, trying to catch a glimpse of nymphets (alas, always remote) playing in Central Park, and how repulsed I was by the glitter of deodorized career girls that a gay dog in one of the offices kept unloading upon me. Let us skip all that. A dreadful breakdown sent me to a sanatorium for more than a year; I went back to my workonly to be hospitalized again. Robust outdoor life seemed to promise me some relief. One of my favorite doctors, a charming cynical chap with a little brown beard, had a brother, and this brother was about to lead an expedition into arctic Canada. I was attached to it as a “recorder of psychic reactions.” With two young botanists and an old carpenter I shared now and then (never very successfully) the favors of one of our nutritionists, a Dr. Anita Johnsonwho was soon flown back, I am glad to say. I had little notion of what object the expedition was pursuing. Judging by the number of meteorologists upon it, we may have been tracking to its lair (somewhere on Prince of Wales’ Island, I understand) the wandering and wobbly north magnetic pole. One group, jointly with the Canadians, established a weather station on Pierre Point in Melville Sound. Another group, equally misguided, collected plankton. A third studied tuberculosis in the tundra. Bert, a film photographeran insecure fellow with whom at one time I was made to partake in a good deal of menial work (he, too, had some psychic troubles)maintained that the big men on our team, the real leaders we never saw, were mainly engaged in checking ...
    8. Интервью Набокова на английском языке. Anonymous, 1972 г.
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 6кб.
    Часть текста: criticule discerned the structural knot of the story. May I explain that simple and elegant point? You certainly may. Allow me to quote a passage from my first page which baffled the wise and misled the silly: "When we concentrate on a material object. . . the very act of attention may lead to our involuntarily sinking into the history of that object." A number of such instances of falling through the present's "tension film" are given in the course of the book. There is the personal history of a pencil. There is also, in a later chapter, the past of a shabby room, where, instead of focusing on Person and the prostitute, the spectral observer drifts down into the middle of the previous century and sees a Russian traveler, a minor Dostoevski, occupying that room, between Swiss gambling house and Italy. Another critic has said- Yes, I am coming to that. Reviewers of my little book made the lighthearted mistake of assuming that seeing through things is the professional function of a novelist. Actually, that kind of generalization is not only a dismal commonplace but is specifically untrue. Unlike the mysterious observer or observers in Transparent Things, a novelist is, like all mortals, more fully at home on the surface of the present than in the ooze of the past. So who is that observer; who are those italicized "we" in the fourteenth line of the novel; who, for goodness' sake, is the "I" in its very first line? The solution, my friend, is so simple that one is almost embarrassed to furnish it. But here goes. An incidental but curiously active component of my novel is Mr. R ., an American writer of German extraction. He writes English more correctly than he speaks it. In conversation R. has an annoying habit of introducing here and there the automatic "you know" of the German emigre, and, more painfully yet, of misusing, garbling, or padding the commonest American...
    9. Lolita. Part One. Chapters 28 - 33
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 42кб.
    Часть текста: sicher its sicher   as my uncle Gustave used to sayI would let myself into that “342” and find my nymphet, my beauty and bride, imprisoned in her crystal sleep. Jurors! If my happiness could have talked, it would have filled that genteel hotel with a deafening roar. And my only regret today is that I did not quietly deposit key “342” at the office, and leave the town, the country, the continent, the hemisphere,indeed, the globethat very same night. Let me explain. I was not unduly disturbed by her self-accusatory innuendoes. I was still firmly resolved to pursue my policy of sparing her purity by operating only in the stealth of night, only upon a completely anesthetized little nude. Restraint and reverence were still my motto-even if that “purity” (incidentally, thoroughly debunked by modern science) had been slightly damaged through some juvenile erotic experience, no doubt homosexual, at that accursed camp of hers. Of course, in my old-fashioned, old-world way, I, Jean-Jacques Humbert, had taken for granted, when I first met her, that she was as unravished as the stereotypical notion of “normal child” had been since the lamented end of the Ancient...
    10. Eugene Onegin. A Novel in Verse by Aleksandr Pushkin. Chapter six
    Входимость: 4. Размер: 55кб.
    Часть текста: is needed. My Onegin   alone has driven home to sleep. II   All has grown quiet. In the drawing room   the heavy Pustyakov   snores with his heavy better half.   4  Gvozdin, Buyanov, Petushkov,   and Flyanov (who is not quite well)   have bedded in the dining room on chairs,   with, on the floor, Monsieur Triquet   8  in underwaistcoat and old nightcap.   All the young ladies, in Tatiana's   and Olga's rooms, are wrapped in sleep.   Alone, sadly by Dian's beam 12  illumined at the window, poor Tatiana   is not asleep   and gazes out on the dark field. III   With his unlooked-for apparition,   the momentary softness of his eyes,   and odd conduct with Olga,   4  to the depth of her soul   she's penetrated. She is quite unable   to understand him. Jealous   anguish perturbs her,   8  as if a cold hand pressed   her heart; as if beneath her an abyss   yawned black and dinned....   “I shall perish,” says Tanya, 12  “but perishing from him is sweet.   I murmur not: why murmur?   He cannot...